I'm your fan, the songs of Leonard Cohen by / Cohen, Léonard. Compositeur

Document sonore

Cohen, Léonard. Compositeur

Edité par Sony music - 1991

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Essential (The) / Leonard Cohen | Cohen, Léonard

Essential (The) / Leonard Cohen

Document sonore | Cohen, Léonard | 2002

Suzanne. Stranger song (The). Sisters of mercy. Hey, that's no way to say goodbye. So long, Marianne. Bird on a wire. Partisan (The). Famous blue raincoat. Chelsea hotel #2. Take this longing. Who by fire. Guests (The). Hallelujah...

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Du même contributeur

Essential (The) / Leonard Cohen | Cohen, Léonard

Essential (The) / Leonard Cohen

Document sonore | Cohen, Léonard | 2002

Suzanne. Stranger song (The). Sisters of mercy. Hey, that's no way to say goodbye. So long, Marianne. Bird on a wire. Partisan (The). Famous blue raincoat. Chelsea hotel #2. Take this longing. Who by fire. Guests (The). Hallelujah...

I'm your man / Leonard Cohen | Cohen, Léonard. Interprète

I'm your man / Leonard Cohen

Document sonore | Cohen, Léonard. Interprète | 1988

Greatest hits / Leonard Cohen | Cohen, Léonard. Interprète

Greatest hits / Leonard Cohen

Document sonore | Cohen, Léonard. Interprète | 1975

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